EVS Resources and background material

Informative material and training's outcomes about EVS Accreditation and Mentors' TCs.

The 2014 was the pilot year for the accreditation process in the South Mediterranean country. In this session are published informative material and training's outcomes that might illustrate the process and inpire new NGOs to start the accreditation process.

The main Tool for NGOs and Volunteer who would like to start the EVS cooperation is the European Youth Portal where find the databases:

  • Database of EVS accredited organisations: the list of organisations accredited to run projects under European Voluntary Service - part of the European Union's Erasmus+ programme.
  • Database of Volunteering Opportunities (VOD) that helps young people to find transnational volunteering projects more easily and assists organisations to attract potential volunteers to their projects. The VOD is available only for organisations accredited under Erasmus+ (so since 2014). The access is gained with the e-mail that should be the same in ECAS and accreditation application.

Examples of oucomes of Training courses for Mentors and Responsibles of EVS Projects:

- Check list  of roles and responsabilities of Mentors and Responsible of projects  developed in TC in Tunisia, 2014 (French and English):


- Check list  of roles and responsabilities of Mentors and Responsible of projects developed in TC in Jordan, 2015: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/xj8jdxugwn832ri/AACYPnMgPwKzpiUbR3F0Mh0qa?dl=0

- Check list  of roles and responsabilities of Mentors and Responsible of projects developed in TC in Lebanon, 2015(EN and Arabic)


- Check list  of roles and responsabilities of Mentors and Responsible of projects developed in TC in Palestine, 2015 (EN)


Video of the training in Lebanon 2015:


Practical Guide: How to be a Mentor in EuroMed EVS projects?

Resources for EVS volunteers:



Welcome letter for the volunteers


European Voluntary Service Charper 2015


Here the EVS Adventure book to download

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